Thursday, April 21, 2011


The most adaptable 21st century delicacy is junk food
Even from the ghetto to the rich neighbourhood
The "Swagger Boys" love it
The "Millennium Girls" can't do without it
The young tertiary guys plus their sugar mummies eat it
The sugar daddy plus the teenage tertiary girls in the restaurant also share it,
But grandpapa and grandmama dem hate it
YES, they're toothless and can't nibble & gnaw on it.
If you hate junk food,
Hate it
If you love junk food,
Love it
I can't prevent you from loving or hating it,
I have no best adaptable choice too so I eat it,
Think about it.


  1. I love Junk food! its awesome!!! lol

  2. Not bad, some junk now and then, but I could not live with junk forever, my system would shout NO dare you do this to me, isn't enough you made me overwork, dig and grind for your good will, and well-being, and feeling good and trying to make you look good...humpffff...I say, wish you had a faster metabolism, then I could do as I please.....silence!!!!....and then comes, if you wanna do as you please with slow me, eat your junk and jump on the threadmill, if you don't mind please.....some women never win...didin you know that....Humpffff...says me.

  3. A glance at me on the street or anywhere i am, can never reveal the quality of my only affordable but precious meal of the day, i'll ever hook on what gets me going King,"Junk Food".
